Gaining a competitive advantage through the power of sustainability

By: Sophie Medd, Heart of the City

Today sustainability has evolved from a “nice to have” to a powerful determinant of success.

For UK small businesses navigating supply chain contracts – in both the private and public sectors – demonstrating sustainability credentials covering environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices is now a strategic imperative.

Showcasing sustainability credentials is crucial for small businesses which are looking to access supply chain contracts as they significantly enhance the competitiveness of tenders and pitches. Here’s how…

1. Navigating Sustainability:

  • Environmental: As governments globally, including the UK, set ambitious targets for carbon reductions, businesses are expected to actively contribute to these goals. Small businesses seeking supply chain contracts must demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability. From reducing carbon emissions to embracing renewable energy sources, showcasing environmentally conscious practices not only aligns with regulatory requirements but also positions your business as a responsible custodian of the planet.
  • Social: In an era of heightened awareness, consumers and businesses alike scrutinise the social aspects of businesses. UK small businesses vying for supply chain contracts must prioritise ethical labour practices, fair wages, and community engagement. Demonstrating social responsibility is not just a moral imperative; it’s a strategic move to build trust and integrity. Businesses that can showcase their positive impact on local communities and fair treatment of their workforce stand out as socially responsible partners in the eyes of procurement decision-makers.
  • Governance: It is critical that small businesses can demonstrate transparent business practices, adherence to regulations and effective risk management. Embedding and demonstrating governance excellence is particularly important in the supply chain. Transparency and reliability are key attributes sought by those making procurement decisions and they will make your business stand out as a trustworthy partner.

2. Gaining the Competitive Advantage

  • Meeting Buyer Expectations: Decisions in the procurement process have evolved to prioritise sustainability. Many corporations and public sector entities now explicitly seek partners with strong sustainability credentials. By aligning with buyer expectations, small businesses can increase the likelihood of their tenders being successful. A commitment to sustainability assures buyers that your business is not only aware of the current environmental and social challenges but is actively working towards mitigating them.
  • Keeping Compliant: The regulatory landscape is undergoing significant changes, especially in terms of environmental standards. Showcasing sustainability credentials signals your compliance with existing regulations and preparedness for up-and-coming changes. This proactive approach minimises the risk of supply chain disruptions due to non-compliance and positions your business as a reliable partner with a forward-thinking mindset.
  • Reducing Risk: Sustainability is closely linked to risk management. Businesses that successfully integrate sustainability practices are often more resilient in the face of environmental, social and economic uncertainties. Supply chain partners seek assurances that their collaborators can navigate challenges effectively. By demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, your business is showcasing your ability to manage risk and contribute to the overall resilience of a supply chain.
  • Enhancing Brand Value and Market Appeal: A positive brand image is valuable in a competitive landscape. Small businesses that actively promote their sustainability credentials enhance their appeal to potential supply chain partners. Buyers are increasingly recognising the market value of partnering with businesses that contribute positively to environmental and social causes. Sustainability is a differentiator that can set your business apart in a crowded marketplace.

3. Crafting Effective Tenders and Pitches

  • Sustainability and your Value Proposition: When preparing tenders and pitches, it is important to integrate your sustainability credentials and practices into your value proposition. Highlight how your business’s ESG practices align with the buyer’s values and objectives. This will significantly enhance the competitiveness of your proposal. Buyers are looking for evidence of a genuine commitment to sustainability. Don’t treat sustainability as a tick-box exercise, make sure it is integral to your business in order to gain a competitive edge.
  • Measure your Impact: Leverage quantifiable metrics to showcase the tangible impact of your sustainability practices. This should include a percentage reduction in carbon emissions, community engagement statistics and governance and compliance metrics. Evidencing the positive contributions in this way adds credibility to your tender or pitch.
  • Be Transparent: Buyers appreciate transparency. As a small business, you should not shy away from addressing challenges or setbacks in relation to your sustainability journey. Be open about your sustainability goals, progress and areas for improvement. Transparency builds trust and shows a commitment to continuous improvement.


Securing supply chain contracts is competitive, but embedding sustainability practices within your business can propel you to success. Ensuring you have a narrative that covers environmental, social and governance practices not only meets the expectations of buyers but helps you to differentiate yourself in a crowded market. Sustainability is a strategic move that helps you to build trust, improve competitiveness and positions small businesses as valuable contributors to a more sustainable and responsible business ecosystem.

Where Do I Start?

Sustainability is a complex and ever-changing landscape. Decision-makers in procurement often change their requirements for suppliers regarding sustainability credentials and reporting. At Heart of the City, we understand how challenging this uncertainty can be, especially for businesses lacking expertise, and resources. Our small business support programmes are designed to assist you.

As a registered charity, many of our programmes are free or subsidised. Built in partnership with large buyers from various sectors, our programmes ensure alignment with the latest sustainability regulatory needs. Join other businesses on their sustainability journey by taking part in our programmes, which provide access to workshops, peer-to-peer support and networks of like minds. Download our small business toolkit for climate action, a free and impactful resource to help you on your journey to net zero and gain a competitive edge.

Developing and implementing a sustainability strategy isn’t difficult or expensive, but it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why we are here to help you, making your sustainability journey as impactful as possible—for people, the planet, places, and your business – and we will also make sure you make lots of friends along the way.

To get started, have a look at our climate action for SMEs jargon buster, our resource to help you develop a responsible business strategy or a quick guide to ESG for small businesses. You can also read about some of the businesses we have supported over the years.

*We strive to do our best when supporting small business and their growth. Our business databases can give you information and data that can help you with advertising, market research, company information, and industry factsheets. If you have already taken the plunge, we would love for you to join us at a seminar, our workshops cover digital marketing, business model canvas and planning, demystifying taxes and intellectual property to name a few. Visit our events page or website for more information.

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